Ginger, vegetarian, designer.
Ginger, vegetarian, designer.
Ginger, vegetarian, designer.

Paisley arts centre cafe identity
Renfrewshire Council, 2018
Marque, identity, illustration, copy, interior moodboards
The Cafe at Paisley Arts Centre, set in a renovated church, is a space with the potential to bring together the arts community to meet, work, bide time and eat. Currently an under-used space, I have designed a fun and friendly identity revitalising the idea of a church building as a community space which encourages people to meet, linger and relax.
The centre already plays host to varied exhibitions and performances and this proposal aims to extend a visitors stay by encouraging them also to work in the space. Paisley has a growing arts community following it’s UK City of Culture bid and welcoming creatives to use the space as a place to work or have meetings will bolster the creative atmosphere as well as increasing footfall.
Though this project may be implemented in the future, it was not live, so I was given creative freedom to suggest changes for the interior, menu and so on without boundaries of brief or budget.